Assortment boxes and small iron goods

In our classic car department store, each screw is also available individually. Even more beautiful and at the same time very useful are the assortment boxes, which we supply for all vehicle types and manufacturer brands in metric and inch variety. We offer not only one angled grease nipple, we offer a wide range of spare parts. So you can rest assured, there is not only one that fits and there is always a reserve left. Take a look at the variety of assortments, the whole spectrum which is permanently extended by the Limora catalouge team.

Limora Engine oil
SAE 20W-50 Classic
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Product number: 511114

We offer all the small iron parts you need

Whether it's a screw, nuts or washers, there are thousands of small pieces without which a vehicle restoration is not possible. We offer you everything you need to make your classic car fit again.